Very handy -- the beers come with their own napkin. And the colors everywhere itch to get out your camera
Belize: Easy, Fun, and Cheap
(Between Mexico and Guatemala)
No, that's not my high school yearbook description. In fact, we're already thinking about NEXT winter. This last one, the KC part anyway, just looked/seemed/was just pretty damn awful. Last fall, Belize was a great solution. It's two quick flights, broken up in Dallas, of no more than two or so hours each flight. We went to Placencia by a much smaller boat and then, pretty much, just vegged out: the ocean, the food, the people all just wonderful. It's a good place to not do much! You should join us next February... email us if you want more info -- we'll respond in time. Probably.

3,967 Miles . . . In a CAR in NINE Days
To (All?) the Southwest and Back 5/22/23
The taller of the Cutest Couple has left the shorter of the Cutest Couple behind as he explores parts of the Great Southwest. Short Cutest, being of great intelligence, stays behind to review notes and photos.
The iconic Grand Canyon. Many probably wonder if it’s worth the time and drive. IT IS! Even as I stood in a pop up rain shower, the clouds, colors and overall majesty of this place made it worth getting a little damp.
This time of year is one of the best times to visit as crowds are minimal. True, not all restaurants or souvenir shops are open, but how many stale sandwiches or trinkets for the grandkids do you need to buy.
Enough for now. It’s on to Utah and Arches National Park. Pictures are in no particular order. They definitely look better than they did in the blog.
Cutest should have come along.