Key West is a most enjoyable city, especially between the months of November and April. During those months, moderate tropical temperatures, between mid-60s to upper 70s prevail and the threat of hurricanes subside. However, the snow birds invade this tropical paradise (which harbors 400 bars) and along with them are their dogs.
Shop and bar owners have read the Department of Tourism’s memo and happily embrace Fidos and their masters. Bars, most restaurants, art galleries, even a special beach, appropriately named Dog Beach, exist just to keep the canines hydrated and tail-wagging happy.
The majority of these four-legged critters are well behaved and crowd friendly. But like our human brother and sisterhood, there’s always some that just don’t fit in. Sometimes it’s the fault of their owners who have failed to train them in proper crowd behavior. Nonetheless, their owners take them out. Other times I think it’s the breed, with terriers leading the pack. Without warning or justification, these runty fur bearers bark and leap at you with gusto, yipping quite loudly and ferociously, especially considering the small package they emanate from.
Water bowls sit near the entrance to shops. Restaurants, without being asked, bring forth a pup’s private drinking dish, and dog treats are offered with no hesitation. Dog poop stations are common. Owners comply with the city’s leash laws, whether it’s walking down the street or bicycling around town. It’s doggy heaven for man and man’s best friend, his tail-wagging buddy.
Yes, in the interest of fair and open reporting, I must state that I am a dog owner. Sola (pictured somewhere above) makes the over 4,000 mile round trip to Key West each year. And no, I am not being forced by a tightening leash around my neck to write these glowing words. If you hate leaving your puppy at home, here you can enjoy this tropical paradise beside your cherished pet and your human friends also, as Cutest reminds me.
As a quick footnote: Only at the former Key West home of Ernest Hemingway will those who read this blog as cat lovers find sympathy. There nearly 60 of the infamous six toed (polydactyl) cats lurk. They are protected by a six foot tall wall. No cat from there has ever tried to leave.
